5cm movie : Unexpected Incident in Mahameru Mountain (written by Nitania Rianti)

5cm movie : 
Unexpected Incident in Mahameru Mountain (written by Nitania Rianti)

5cm is an Indonesian drama movie inspired by a true story that was aired on December 12, 2012. This film was directed by Rizal Mantovani. The player in this film are Herjunot Ali (Zafran), Fedi Nuril (Genta), Raline Shah (Riani), Igor Saykoji (Ian), Denny Sumargo (Arial ) They have all established friendships for 10 years, they have different characters, the first is Arial, who has a six-pack body whose hobby is sporting but is very awkward when meeting women. The second is Ian, who has the most fertile body among the other, he is a fan of instant noodles and likes watching the ball. Ian is graduation late and is still writing a thesis. The third is Riani, the only beautiful woman like an angel falling from the sky, she is also smart and fussy. The fourth is Genta, a man who does not like to be selfish and has a leader's soul and is able to make others comfortable around him. The last is Zafran, a very poetic man.

This movie is about the spirit of young people, the spirit of nationalism but not a film about nature lovers. In this film the five companions traveled to climb Mount Mahameru, the highest mountain on the island of Java. And I like one of the dialogues from the actor Zafran. He said: "We believe in one thing, simple but extraordinary. There is in every human being if he hurts him, a dream. Since you have dreams, desires or goals, put it here, in front of your forehead, stick , let him hang, float 5 meters in front of your forehead. So he will never be separated from your eyes, and you bring your dream every day, you see every day and believe that you can. "So the conclusion is no dream that is not we can achieve, if we have a dream we also have a way to achieve that dream.

This film is very unique because packaging about love, friendship, dreams, and struggle is one in the story. There is some uniqueness in this first film: in this film, where many viewers feel hurt when the audience thinks the actor Genta will express feelings to Riani while on Mount Mahameru, it turns out that Riani actually likes Zafran. The audience felt disappointed because according to the audience Riani only matched Genta. This is what makes the film unique because there are scenes that can fool the audience.

The second uniqueness is, this film inserts many inspirational wise words one of which is said by Zafran : “Mimpi-mimpi kamu, cita-cita kamu, keyakinan kamu, apa yang kamu mau kejar, biarkan ia menggantung, mengambang 5 centimeter di depan kening kamu. Jadi dia nggak akan pernah lepas dari mata kamu. Dan kamu bawa mimpi dan keyakinan kamu itu setiap hari, kamu lihat setiap hari, dan percaya bahwa kamu bisa. Apa pun hambatannya, bilang sama diri kamu sendiri, kalo kamu percaya sama keinginan itu dan kamu nggak bisa menyerah. Bahwa kamu akan berdiri lagi setiap kamu jatuh, bahwa kamu akan mengejarnya sampai dapat, apapun itu, segala keinginan, mimpi, cita-cita, keyakinan diri.” Translations in English “Your dreams, your dreams, your beliefs, what you want to pursue, let them hang, float 5 centimeters in front of your forehead. So he will never escape your eyes. And you bring your dreams and beliefs every day, you see every day, and believe that you can. Whatever the obstacles, say to yourself, if you believe in that desire and you can't give up. That you will stand up again every time you fall, that you will pursue it until you can, whatever it is, all desires, dreams, ideals, self-confidence.”

As long as I watched this film, there are a number of scenes that I feel there are irregularities when I watched, here are some strange things I found in the 5cm movie:

1. in this movie climbing figures use jeans, it might look cool, but when I compared to real life, as I know a mountaineers usually wear waterproof and lightweight polyester pants, when wearing jeans suddenly the weather is cloudy and rainy or find a springs then the jeans will be wet, heavy and difficult to dry.

2. Lack of preparation, in this scene they all climb the mountain without carrying a water supply so that one of the players must ask the water to another climbing, meanwhile their journey is so far.

3. There is a scene that I think should not be done by one of the Actors who acted as Genta, one of his friends named Aril was hit by hypoemia, he began to feel a great cold and could barely continue climbing. Then one of them, Genta, said "you can express your feelings to women, but climb this peak you can't?" whereas people who climb are not allowed to speak carelessly there. When compared to real life, when something like this happens, the climb might be stopped. But because this happens in movies it doesn't matter.

4. In this scene there is an incident where an accident happens when the rock from the top of the mountain falls down so that the cast must be able to avoid the rock, but Ian and Arial's sisters are injured. If this accident happened in real life, the climb would have been stopped because of an accident, because his sister Arial was injured in the ear, then her friend named Ian almost lost her life there. but they continued to climb to the top of the mountain Semeru when Ian survived death.

5. strangely when they were at the top, they were described climbers who arrived first, suddenly the audience was startled by the crowd of other climbers who seemed to be late. Whereas in the movie setting when climbing only those who were seen climbing the top of the mountain Semeru and no other climbers.

Those are some things I found when watching 5cm. In conclusion, overall this film are good, the actors and the actresses are very professional, beautiful and handsome, all master the dialogue well according to their respective characters. The storyline is also interesting, there are friendship, love, the struggle to achieve dreams and goals, and the struggle of a friend and what I like most when I see a very beautiful view on the summit of Mahameru, it makes amaze the audiences with Indonesia's view in the highest top of mahameru and makes the audience love Indonesia more.


  1. Ini film bagus kok udah pernah nonton dan endingnya rada nyesek pas mas fedy nya ga jadi sama mbak raline

  2. I love this film. And I agree with you..

  3. wah terimakasih infonya sangat membantu

  4. I could know the real friends from this movie 👍👍👍

  5. Thanks for sharing 😂 ini termasuk salah satu film favorite sejak smp. Baca ini jd pengen nonton ulang haha

  6. thankyou for sharing this!!👍🏻

  7. I love it♡
    Ku suka film ini haha😂

    And thank you atas informasinya 😊

  8. i've read the novel version and after reading this i think i should watch the movie version soon. thank you for sharing this!

  9. I think your review is very good, and i can understand it when i read this review. It was so good, thanks for your review :)

  10. I like this movie, and thank you for those of you who have advised me to see this film 👍😁

  11. I remember when i Saw this film and i cried 😅

  12. Persahabatan, cinta, impian, nasionalisme, itulah yang dapat dipetik pelajaran dari film tersebut..
    Dalam kehidupan kita, seorang teman, sahabat merupakan bagian terpenting yang mewarnai perjuangan hidup ini. Semua orang, saya rasa tahu tentang arti persahabatan itu, walaupun tak semua merasakannya. Seperti orang tua misalnya, punya segudang cerita dan kenangan terkait hal yang satu ini. Dan bagaimana mereka menjadi lebih hidup, lebih bersemangat, karena orang-orang yang dicintai selalu saling mendukung, memberi motivasi dalam perjalanan hidup ini...

  13. ‌I really agree with you, The storyline is very interesting, and not easily predictable, especially the ending is very shocking. I love this movie 💞

  14. Interesting , thanks for sharing this :))

  15. Film yang sangat bagus tidak mudah meraih kesuksesan tanp perjuangan.
    Inilah tantangan hidup

  16. saya pernah nonton film ini sangat bagus

  17. I love this story the movie thank for sharing ...

  18. Seru filmnya
    Seperti perjuangan hidup

  19. recommended movie!!! tq for sharing^^


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